I'm just starting OLW for 2013 and am really excited to get started. I'm really hoping this will help me stay on track. Thanks for this additional resource to help :)
I'm just starting OLW for 2013 and am really excited to get started. I'm really hoping this will help me stay on track. Thanks for this additional resource to help :)
Before I share with you my assignment for December, I wanted to announce the give away I have for this final OLW Blog Hop on my blog.
One spot in The Art of Composition class over at Big Picture Classes. It seems like a great class for beginning photographers and intermediate photographers who want more practice. Or anyone just wanting to have fun with the challenges.
Please leave a comment on this blog post by midnight PST. Winner will be announced first thing Jan 2 and winner will be contacted via email (please make sure to register with your email when you leave a comment or you will not be eligible to win - it won't show when the comment is posted). The coupon code expires Jan 3, so please do not forget to check back on this blog to see if you are a winner (in case the email doesn't work).
Now on to my final OLW assignment of 2012:
Now on to more blogs for some OLW inspiration. Next on the list is LISA.
Jan 1, 2013 Blog Hop Participants
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/
Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com
Ruth http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Nikki www.inkyart.com.au
Veronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Naomi http://www.poeticaperture.com
Missus Wookie http://mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.co.uk
Kara http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Lee http://thelinarstudio.typepad.com/embracelife/
Welcome to the Dec 1 OLW Blog Hop! I will not be hosting the blog hop for the first time this month. I was unavailable at the end of the month, so Lisa offered to help me out and host this time. Thank you, Lisa!!
Please go to her website now for her post and the complete list of blog hop participants!
I will be back again next month for our final hop of 2012 on Jan 1st.
Hi again. Can you believe we have almost been doing this blog hop for TWO full years?! TWO!? It's hard for me to believe. I'm so glad so many of you have stuck it out. This is one of our smaller blog hops, but that is OK - the same thing happened last year at this time. That is what is so great about this blog hop - no pressure- it is here if and when you want to share and commune with other OLWers.
In alignment with my word, LOVINGKINDNESS, I will be late posting my project for the month. We celebrated our first Halloween in the States in five years and the whole family got into it - homemade costumes, homemade decorations, parties, trick or treating, etc, etc. This house has been HALLOWEEN CENTRAL - making up for lost time, that is for sure!! That means I have not had time to finish this month's assignment. That is on my list for TODAY. So, please stop by later and I will share my project.
EDITED: Here is my final project for October! The photo assignments are the quickest for me since I am always taking photos.
As I like to do, my photos will stand on their own. No words of explanation, but I will say that each and every one represents LOVINGKINDNESS and they all have a back story of how they are directly related to LOVINGKINDNESS for me.
Thanks for stopping by! Now off you go to our next particpant on the list:
Don't forget to email me if you want to join us for next month's OLW Blog Hop (Dec 1). Please put Dec 1 OLW Blog Hop in the subject line. Oh, I almost forgot... I will need some help with the next blog hop (Dec 1) as I will be traveling a lot, please email me, if you would like to help me out and I can fill you in on the details. THANKS!
Nov 1 OLW Blog Hop Partcipant List
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com
Monica http://scrapinspired.com/category/one-little-word/
Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com
Ruth http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/
Mrs Wookie http://mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com/
Veronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Monica http://questtoperfectimperfection.blogspot.com/
Kelly http://mindingmynest.com
Naomi http://www.poeticaperture.com
For those of you that are new to my blog, every month on the 1st of the month, a group of students from Ali Edwards' One Little Word class at Big Picture Classes, share our monthly assignments on our blogs. It is a fantastic way to get inspired and root on other classmates. It has been a fantastic way to keep me accountable. It is often the only thing that keeps me from flaking on my assignments.
This month's assignment was to write about a battle we were ready to take on or write about something we feel like celebrating and decide how we should celebrate. I chose CELEBRATING!
I left the last section blank because I have not been thinking about my word at all this past month. It might be a good challenge for me in October to bring it closer to the forefront in my mind.
Thanks for stopping by and joining in on the blog hop! Next on the list is Kimberlee.
Oct 1 OLW Blog Hop Participants
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com
Kimberlee http://scrapsandsass.blogspot.com
Kara http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Monica http://questtoperfectimperfection.blogspot.com/
Mrs Wookie http://mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com/
Monica http://scrapinspired.com/category/one-little-word/
Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com
Ruth http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/
Naomi http://poeticaperture.com
Carolina http://micinnamons.blogspot.com
Veronica http://veronicanorris.typepad.com
Kelly http://mindingmynest.com
Brighton http://dearbrighton.com
For those of you that are new to my blog, every month on the 1st of the month, a group of students from Ali Edwards' One Little Word class at Big Picture Classes, share our monthly assignments on our blogs. It is a fantastic way to get inspired and root on other classmates. It has been a fantastic way to keep me accountable. It is often the only thing that keeps me from flaking on my assignments.
This month's assignment was to take a photo of yourself and pair it with some words. I typically like to add something to my OLW album. I love touching the paper and creating something. You may have noticed that for the past few months, I have been doing the OLW assignments as blog posts. That will have to do again this month. I know that is perfectly acceptable but the perfectionist side of me, doesn't think it is good enough! I want to make something I can touch and hold!!
My word is LOVINGKINDNESS, so accepting this post as good enough would be a great way to show myself some of that LOVINGKINDNESS, huh? Our family is still going through a huge transition and we are not yet settled!
Those are the words that go with my photo. The unconditional love of a child for his mother often takes me by surprise. I remember when my oldest son was five or six, I was genuinely surprised that he still wanted to hold my hand. I still feel blessed every time my 11-year-old (pictured here with me) reaches for my hand so we can walk together hand in hand and often arm in arm. That is LOVINGKINDNESS!
Thanks for stopping by! Next on the hop is Brighton. But before you head off, you may be wondering about the announcement I mentioned in my title. I have a fantastic give away coming up this Tuesday, Sept 4, so be sure to come back! There is some exciting news to come as well.
Here are the rest of this month's blog hop participants. Please come back if you should get lost along the way...
Sept 1 OLW Blog Hop Partcipant List
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com
Brighton www.simplebrighton.com
Kimberlee http://scrapsandsass.blogspot.com
Monica http://scrapinspired.com/category/one-little-word/
Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/
Kara http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Ruth http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Jessica B http://jlfbarnes.blogspot.com/
Veronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Naomi http://poeticaperture.com/
Carolina www.micinnamons.blogspot.com
Kelly http://mindingmynest.com
Cindy http://seriousplay.typepad.com
Amanda http://scrappnbee.blogspot.com
Welcome to my blog and yet another ONE LITTLE WORD Blog Hop!
(A little photo to share - I won the grand prize (landmark category) in our city's Centennial Celebration Photo Contest)
For those of you that are new to my blog, every month on the 1st of the month, a group of students from Ali Edwards' One Little Word class at Big Picture Classes, share our monthly assignments on our blogs. It is a fantastic way to get inspired and root on other classmates. It has been a fantastic way to keep me accountable. It is often the only thing that keeps me from flaking on my assignments.
This month's assignment was all about music. We were to pick songs that relate to our word or even include our word in their lyrics. My word is LOVINGKINDNESS.
I chose to pick some of my favorite songs of all time as well as current songs that reflect my life.
The first three songs I like becuase they have a tune that I can listen to over and over and over again. I've loved these songs for more than a few years and never tire of them.
Suddenly I See KT Tunstall - I first heard this song when I first saw the movie The Devil Wears Prada. I bought the soundtrack just to get this song only find out, it wasn't on the soundtrack and I had to buy it separately.
Only You Yaz - I was introduced to Yaz by my first boyfriend in college. This was my favorite song on the album I loved. I still love this song to this day but not for sentimental reasons! Purely realted to my enjoyment of the song!
Falling Slowly Once - This is another song I discovered while watching a movie. It is a beautiful melody. What's not to love?!
I Hope You Dance LeAnn Womack - I love the message of this song. It is what I wish for my own children.
Anyone Else But You Juno - Yet another song I first heard in a movie. I just love it and could listen to it forever!
Rolling in the Deep Adele - this is a song that has found its way to me. It represents current day to me and Adele has a beautiful voice!
Call Me Maybe Carly Rae Jepsen - my nephews introduced this song to my two youngest kids and now it's my seven year old son's very favorite song despite endless ostracizing by his 14 year old older brother! And with the cute music video made by the USA Olympic swimming team - what is not to love about it! It is just a fun teeny bopper song.
What's one of your favorite songs in the soundtrack of your life??
Thanks for stopping by. Next on our inspirational blog hop is Kara. Please come back to my blog if you should get lost any where along the way.
If you are interested in joining us next month, please click on the link below my blog banner for more information. And sign up before August 26th!
AUG 1 OLW Blog Hop Participant List
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com
Kara http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Monica http://scrapinspired.com/tag/one-little-word/
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/
Donna http://holimess.blogspot.com/
Mrs. Wookie http://mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com/
Monica B http://questtoperfectimperfection.blogspot.com
Ruth http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Naomi http://poeticaperture.com/
Veronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Carolina www.micinnamons.blogspot.com
Cindy http://seriousplay.typepad.com
Kelly http://mindingmynest.com
Brighton www.simplebrighton.com
Nikki http://www.inkyart.com.au
Amanda http://scrappnbee.blogspot.com
Tere http://terecontodomicorazon.blogspot.com/
Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com
** Please note some corrections to the blog hop participant list below! This will help you reach all blogs!
For those of you that are new to my blog, every month on the 1st of the month, a group of students from Ali Edwards' One Little Word class at Big Picture Classes, share our monthly assignments on our blog. It is a fantastic way to get inspired and root on other classmates. It has been a fantastic way to keep me accountable. It is often the only thing that keeps me from flaking on my assignments.
Those of you who are regular visitors of my blog or are veteran OLW blog hop participants will recognize my nine canvases from July of last year. That's because I am reblogging my own contest. As you may remember, my ONE LITTLE WORD is LOVINGKINDNESS. Part of my intent for my word this year is to show LOVINGKINDNESS not only towards others but towards myself as well and in order to show that to myself today, I needed to give myself a pass on this assignment despite how much I love it and how much I would love to do it!
I have a great excuse even - all of my craft supplies are packed neatly away in a crate enroute somewhere between Beijing and our new home in The States. Sigh! Therefore, my only option for decorating my 9 canvases would be digital. But since we just packed up our last four years in CHina into boxes, said good-bye to dear friends we will likely never see again, took three kids on a 13 hour flight, are beginning the process of starting up our lives again here (i.e., join the gym, register for school, buy a car, etc, etc), are entertaining my husband's parents while simultaneously entertaining dear friends visiting from Japan and then 36 hours after they leave driving ten hours for a family birthday party with three jet lagged children, I just don't think I can force myself to stay up the extra 2 hours it would take for me to pull it together! So, I hope you can forgive me and accept my canvases from last year as an acceptable consolation prize!
I really appreciate that all of you are still willing to participate in our monthly OLW blog hop. It's always a lot of fun to see so much inspiration and support each other in this class.
PLEASE NOTE THAT JENN had to pull out at the last minute for personal reasons, so please go to AMANDA after JAMIE even though the links are different. And feel free to stop by Jenn's blog and wish her well so that she can join us next month!
The next person on the list is MONICA.
Welcome to another ONE LITTLE WORD Blog Hop! If you are new to the blog hop, please visit this link, for past blog hops and more details.
This month's assignment was to plan some tasks to accomplish that would help with our word.
So that I can be true to myself and not edit my answers because I am posting it to the public, I am keeping this assignment to myself this month, so instead I thought I would share with you a monologue my son wrote and performed for a project at school. They had to choose one of the United Nations Rights of the Child and do several projects based around it.
His topic was the affects of second-hand smoke on children. Since my word is LOVINGKINDNESS, I thought it would be appropriate to share it here. Encouraging others to stop smoking as well as not smoking around children who cannot protect themselves is a wonderful way to express LOVINGKINDNESS.
Unfortunately, the entire monologue did not load, but you get the jist of it. As soon as I can, I will fix this issue nad get the entire monologue up here.
I also have an exciting give away for you today! Ella Publishing was kind enough to give me a PHOTOGRAPHY BUNDLE to give away!This is a really cool package. It is THREE of their best eBooks all on the topic of photography. The books are beautiful and are full of great tips! It's also a great deal, if sold separately it's over a $21 value!
I'm trying out a contest widget that is new to my blog. It is easy and lots of fun to use. Give it a try! Contest ends on June 6 - any comments made on my blog where the EPC Photography Bundle rafflecopter widget shows up will be entered into the contest. I will announce the winner on my blog by June 8 and I will notify the winner by email so be sure you leave me an accurate email address.
Thanks for stopping by! After entering the giveaway, head on to the next participant on the blog hop...
**Please note below is a correct blog address (Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com) As always I list the entire blog hop participant list in case you encounter any dead links along the way, you can come back here to find your way to the next blog.
As you know, there is always lots of OLW inspiration to see! Next on the blog hop is long time OLW blog hop participant... MONICA!
JUNE 1 OLW BLOG HOP Participants
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com
Monica http://scrapinspired.com/tag/one-little-word/
Jenn www.studiojenn.blogspot.com
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/category/challenges/one-little-word/
Kimberlee http://scrapsandsass.blogspot.com
Donna http://holimess.blogspot.com/
Monica B http://questtoperfectimperfection.blogspot.com/
Ruth http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Kara http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Nikki www.inkyart.com.au
Amanda http://scrappnbee.blogspot.com
Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com <--- Corrected address
Veronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Kelly http://mindingmynest.com
Carolina www.micinnamons.blogspot.com
Naomi http://poeticaperture.com/
Missus Wookie http://www.mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com/
Brighton www.simplebrighton.com
Welcome to the April 1 OLW Blog Hop!
We are a group of students in Ali Edwards' class at Big Picture Classes. Each month on the first we share our assignment from the month. It is a way for us to stay accountable and keep up with the class and support each other at the same time as well as create a sense of community.
Thanks for stopping by!
My word is LOVINGKINDNESS. I am doing my best to treat myself, my family and all those around me in this way. I took some proactive steps in March to bring this feeling into my life more by planning activities that would brighten my days as well as those I love.
Next on the blog hop is MONICA. Please head on over there to be inspired!
If you should get lost along the way, please return here to find links to all the blogs on today's hop. There were some very last minute additions and someone who had to pull out at the last minute (unbeknownst to her), so please check the addendums below! Thanks!
APRIL 1 OLW Blog Hop Participants
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com/blog/one-little-word
Monica http://scrapinspired.com/
Jenn www.studiojenn.blogspot.com
Kara http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com
Catherine http://myview-catherine.blogspot.com
Nikki www.inkyart.com.au
Cindy http://www.cynthiacrysdale.com/
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/category/one-little-word/
Donna http://holimess.blogspot.com/
Coley www.coleybelle.blogspot.com
Naomi http://poeticaperture.com
Stephanie http://playinghouseinmaryland.blogspot.com
Ruth http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Eydie www.whatwecreate.net
Janet http://lifeinsideascrapbookroom.blogspot.com
Orange Gearle http://orangegearle.blogspot.com
Amanda http://scrappnbee.blogspot.com
Jen www.jenritchie.com <--- Jen got whisked away at the last minute for her birthday, so she didn't get a chance to post. Please go to Melissa right after Amanda! Sorry for the confusion.
Melissa S http://blog.mshanhun.com
Kaylea www.myscrappylife.com
Missus Wookie http://www.mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.co.uk/
Cindy http://seriousplay.typepad.com
Beth www.thesingularlyordinary.blogspot.com
Tere http://terecontodomicorazon.blogspot.com/
Kelly http://mindingmynest.com
Heidi http://mommy.heidimdavis.com
There was some confusion with the links, so please be sure to stop by the following blogs to check out their OLW posts:
Veronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Rebekah http://istampscrapcraft.blogspot.com/search/label/OLW%2012
Sign-ups for the April 1 OLW Blog Hop are now CLOSED. Please visit this link to see the list if you signed up. Make note of the person below you in the list and be sure to link to them in your post. Email me if you have any questions! Thanks! I can't wait to see your post on April 1st!
Hello! And welcome to my blog. It is time for another One Little Word Blog Hop. One Little Word is a class taught by Ali Edwards at Big Picture Classes.
**NOTE: The blog hop does not go live until 8 AM PST (Thurs, Mar 1), but my internet was acting funny and I was worried I would lose my post so I had to publish early. Please come back at 8 AM to visit the other blogs. Thank you!
To find out more information about our monthly blog hop, click the OLW link under my blog banner.
This month's assignment was all about photography. We were meant to find nine photos that represent our word. My word is LOVINGKINDNESS. I went through all of the photos that I took this past month and found exactly nine photos that represented LOVINGKINDNESS to me. I loved finding the ways my family lives out and experiences this word(s) in our daily/ordinary lives.
I'll leave you with only a few words this month and let the photos speak for themselves.
To see everything ONE LITTLE WORD on my blog, click here.
You have another great list of blogs to visit this month, so without further ado, be on your way to see Melissa who is next on the blog hop.
Here is the complete list of participants. Please come back here to find your way in case you should get lost along the way.
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com
Melissa S http://blog.mshanhun.com
Sharyn http://LaVieEnChic.com
Kimberlee http://scrapsandsass.blogspot.com
Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com
Cindy www.cynthiacrysdale.com
Jenn www.studiojenn.blogspot.com
Monica http://scrapinspired.com/
Catherine http://myview-catherine.blogspot.com/
Naomi http://poeticaperture.com/
Jamie jmpgirl.blogspot.com
Coley www.coleybelle.blogspot.com
Melissa C www.smudgetime.com
Donna http://holimess.blogspot.com/
Monica B http://questtoperfectimperfection.blogspot.com/
Veronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Heidi D http://mommy.heidimdavis.com/
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/category/one-little-word/
Nikki www.inkyart.com.au
Devon http://www.youhadmeatneurotic.com
Amanda http://scrappnbee.blogspot.com
Brooklyn www.everysnapshot.com
Kristina http://hrinspirationfromthe403.blogspot.com/
Jen R http://jenritchie.com
Kara http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com
Eydie www.whatwecreate.net
Ruth http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com
Missus W http://www.mrswookieswanderings.blogspot.com/
Marilee http://rose-brier.blogspot.com
Cindy http://seriousplay.typepad.com
Kaylea http://www.myscrappylife.com
Dawn G www.sunshineandcreativity.com
Rebekah http://istampscrapcraft.blogspot.com/
Becky www.becky-handforth.blogspot.com
Orange Gearle orangegearle.blogspot.com
Katrina www.katrinasimeck.com
Jo http://www.mrsbeee.blogspot.com
Nicky Www.seejanebake.blogspot.com
Beth www.thesingularlyordinary.blogspot.com
Kelly http://mindingmynest.com
Tere http://terecontodomicorazon.blogspot.com/
Sign ups for the Mar 1 OLW Blog Hop are now closed. If you would like to sign up for the April 1 OLW BLog Hop, please click the link above for more information. If you are a participant looking for the updated and FINAL list for the Mar 1 OLW Blog Hop, please click this link. Email me with any questions. Thanks!
Welcome to my blog and welcome to the first montly blog hop of the 2012 Big Picture Classes ONE LITTLE WORD class! This is our one year anniversary.
Last February a group of us in Ali's class shared our January assignments with each other through a blog hop and we've been doing it on the first of every month ever since! So glad you stopped by to join us.
If you wanted to join our hop but were too late to sign up, feel free to post a link to your blog POST sharing your January 2012 assignment in the comments. So glad you stopped by!
And before you go, don't forget to grab the code for our newly updated 2012 OLW Blog Button - HTML code on the top right in the sidebar.
This year I picked two words: LOVING KINDNESS. This pair of words started speaking to me late last year and they just sort of stuck. So far, so good! I feel like I am already getting more of what I wanted in my life by choosing this word. I've spelled it out pretty well in January's nine canvases.
I enjoyed repeating this activity more than I thought I would. There is something relaxing about trying something again but using different content and materials. Did anyone else have the same experience?
MARCH 1 BLOG HOP - Please read!
If you would like to join us on our next blog hop, please email me (link in my sidebar) and put MAR 1 OLW BLOG HOP in the subject line. In the message include your BLOG ADDRESS (not just a link) and your EMAIL ADDRESS in the BODY of the email. These two simple steps save me an amazing amount of time! Our blog hop has grown a lot recently so I saving those little bits of time is imperative.
I also wanted to let you know that I have had an inordinate amount of OLW emails bounce back or not reach their recipients. I think the high volume of OLW emails I send out with long lists of blog links in them, alert security filters and they think I am spamming people. Therefore I encourage you to do the following:
1) make sure I am NOT on your email block list
3) Check the OLW message boards as I might have to start posting the blog list there.
5) If you don't hear from me 8 or 9 days before the blog hop is going to begin, PLEASE CONTACT me and for good measure forward me your original sign-up email for that month's blog hop.
Ok, now that we got that out of the way, it is time to head to the next blog for some more amazing OLW inspiration. Next on the hop is SHARYN.
If you should get lost along the way, come back here for a complete list of blog hop participants. HAVE FUN! Thanks again for stopping by.
Cate www.lifebehindthepurpledoor.comONE LITTLE WORD Feb 1, 2012 Blog HopMargie http://xnomads.typepad.comSharyn www.lavieenchic.comMarilee http://rose-brier.blogspot.comCindy C http://www.cynthiacrysdale.comKelly http://mindingmynest.comBrooke http://www.everysnapshot.comMelissa http://www.smudgetime.comMelissa S http://blog.mshanhun.comKatrina www.katrinasimeck.comMonica http://scrapinspired.comKimberlee http://scrapsandsass.blogspot.comKaylea http://www.myscrappylife.comNikki Www.inkyart.com.auVeronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.comStephanie www.scrapworthylives.comOrange Gearle http://orangegearle.blogspot.com
I've been invited to be a part of the Take Twelve Team for Ella Publishing Co.'s new Take Twelve photography and scrapbooking challenge.
I couldn't be more excited! It's my very first design team! Yay! And I'm even more excited about the challenge itself.
The idea is to take TWELVE photos on the TWELFTH of every month in 2012. (So cool!) I think it is a really great way to get a snapshot of your everyday life throughout the year.
As many of you know, I already do Project Life. I do the PHOTO A DAY approach for the most part, but what my album lacks is a deeper view of my everyday. I did a Week in the Life this year too, but we only got an indepth view of our lives for one week and only in the summer. So the reason I am excited about this project is because I will get an indepth view of our everyday lives TWELVE times a year, one time a month, through every season, through various changing routines and there couldn't be an easier way to do it with the...
Take Twelve Guided Inspiration Kit.
This kit includes five complete products in one!
You'll get:
12 monthly photo checklists
12 bonus project ideas
12-month mini-album idea
12 layout sketches by Donna Jannuzzi
54 printable journaling lists + .png files
24 printable titles + .png files
24 printable calendar accents + .png files
So much flexibility with this kit. So much inspiration. There are even easy to use digital templates! It doesn't get easier than that. I'm itching to make something already!
In fact, we have a trans-Pacific flight on January 12th so I am excited to see if I can come up with 12 photos during a strangely short day as we lose most of our day when we cross the international dateline. But then I'm always up for a challenge!
And another huge bonus is that our year-long tour guide is Elizabeth Dillow. I love her approach to scrapbooking. She inspired me with her project, Your Life Hour by Hour with this article at Ella Publishing.
Here is the layout (template by Kim Byrns) I came up with for that challenge:
And the post that includes the rest of the photos I took on that day.
These are my kind of challenges!
Are you interested?
There are lots of ways to participate!
I look forward to seeing what you will create. It should be a really fun year.
The winner of the spot in Ali Edwards' ONE LITTLE WORD class at Big Picture Classes is:
I promised an update of my Project Life photos and my album today but I am exhausted, so I'll have to put it off until tomorrow. So sorry!
And sorry for the late publishing of the giveaway winner. A big thanks to everyone who stopped by and left a comment! And thanks to Big Picture Classes for the giveaway!
EDITED on Jan 9, 2012: I have a giveaway coming up that you might be inerested in! It should be posted in the next 24 hours or so.
I am very excited to announce that I have one space in Ali Edwards' ONE LITTLE WORD class at Big Picture Classes to give away!
This is a very exciting opportunity for you if you didn't take this class last year (and even if you did - you'll get to take it again)!
About the ONE LITTLE WORD class:
One Little Word 2012
“In 2006, I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January - a word that I can focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. My words have included play, peace, vitality, nurture, light, and story. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another. They've been imbedded into who I am, and into who I'm becoming. They've been what I've needed (and didn't know I needed). They've helped me to breathe deeper, to see clearer, and to grow.”
Each month you'll receive an email and an invitation to visit the One Little Word classroom. Inside the classroom, you'll find a gentle reminder message, encouragement to refocus, and a simple creative or writing project to complete, related to your word. At the end of the year you'll have an album that celebrates and honors your word - making it that much more concrete and visible in your life.
Take a minute to read the rest of the description and listen to Ali’s audio file explaining the process of the class.
I will admit that when I decided to take the class last year, I was hesitant. I was worried I would flake on the class half-way through the year and I wasn't convinced a word would really do all that much for me.
As with life, you get out what you put into it, right? So, to address my first concern, I invited other students in the class to join me for a monthly blog hop to keep me accountable. This worked like a charm and I was incredibly inspired by all the participants had to offer each month, to boot! (If you'd like to join us, read here for more information.)
By completing all (except one) of Ali's exercises, throughout the year, I really felt like I learned alot from the process and am ready to start 2012 with my new (pair of) word(s): LOVING KINDNESS.
I did a much better job of selecting my word this time around as I realized I needed a word that would serve as a touchpoint. It was my experience from the past year in One Little Word 2011 that gave me the insight to choose a much more effective and meaningful word(s) this time around. And already I am off to a fantastic start. It's already making a difference in my day to day attitude as I hear my word(s) whispering to me as I go throughout my day!
1) Leave me a comment and tell me one thing you are hoping to get out of (or accomplish in) your life in 2012.
2) For an extra chance to win, follow me on Twitter (link on my blog's sidebar) and tell me you did in a separate comment. Twitter is the best way to find out when I publish a new post.
Comments will close Thursday at 9 PM PST and I will post the winner on Friday, January 6.
Come back tomorrow for the FAMILY x 12 Blog Hop. A small group of us, who found we weren't taking enough photos of our family altogether, post a family photo once a month.
February ONE LITTLE WORD Blog Hop goes live on February 1st at 8 AM PST. To sign up, please send me an email (link in blog's sidebar) with "Feb 1 OLW Blog Hop" in the subject line. Be sure to include your email address and blog address. We'll look forward to your participation.
because if I see my glass as half empty with no hope at all, then it may as well be empty all the way.
As I begin 2012 having chosen LOVING KINDNESS as my guiding words for the year, I am letting myself be touched and inspired by wonderful role models. I heard this quote last night while catching up on Ophrah's last season. Seeing how Mattie lived his short and challenging life, I have no excuse but to live my life with enthusiastic gratitude every single day.
Thanks, Oprah & Mattie! You both inspire me sincerely to be a better person tomorrow than I am today.
Before the end of the week I will be giving away one spot in Ali Edwards' ONE LITTLE WORD class at Big Picture Classes! Check back soon (later today or tomorrow) for details.
via creativeorganizing.typepad.com
Aby Garvey has a generous Project Life giveaway on her blog that ends Wednesday at 9PM CST - so hurry! Fingers crossed that I win. :) Good luck to you too!
I would love to add the Clementine or Cobalt kits to the Amber kit I am using to finish up the past two years and start 2012. If you win, which kit will you choose?
And speaking of giveaways...
Before the end of the week I will be giving away one spot in Ali Edwards' ONE LITTLE WORD class at Big Picture Classes! Check back soon (Wednesday or Thursday) for details.
Welcome to the final ONE LITTLE WORD Blog Hop of 2011 and the 1st Blog Hop of 2012!!!
If this is your first time visiting my blog, welcome! Starting last February 1st a group of us students in Ali Edwards' ONE LITTLE WORD class at Big Picture Classes started a blog hop to share our assignments from the previous month. We found it so motivating that we continued our blog hop every month for the rest of the year.
I chose SERENDIPITY as my word for 2011. I loved the word and what it represented, accidental fortune. For me it represented a feeling of abundance and of the universe supporting my hard work. I wanted some good luck and magical results.
I think I expected too much out of my word and so I experienced a bit of a slump in the middle part of the year. But by the end, my word did give me some serendipitous moments and results. It just took me some time to realize it and notice these events were SERENDIPITOUS.
I am ready to say good-bye to SERENDIPITY. And welcome a brand new word for 2012. SERENDIPITY served me well, but I am wanting more from a word. I think a guiding word would better serve me.
This is a photo of the orphanage where I take photos. The volunteers are hard at work getting the new classroom all set up for the children. Before this, there was no school for the children who were not old enough or "appropriate" for public school as determined by the director of the orphanage.
I started thinking about a new word in September or October because it was then I was feeling I wanted more from my word. I wanted a guiding word, a touchpoint.
Loving Kindness is a pair of words that spoke to me as well as productivity. Both are things I want more of in my life. I thought a lot about them both a lot at the latter part of the year. When it finally came time to make a decision, I asked myself which was a more important theme for me in the big picture of my life. And I decided if I were to die tomorrow, I would rather be known for loving kindness than I would for being productive. So, LOVING KINDESS are my words for this year. I plan on being very productive this year so that will be around too, but my pair of words is LOVING KINDNESS.
And the day I made that decision, I picked up a book (The Happiness Project) and read a paragraph that SERENDIPITOUSLY happened to be all about loving kindness. This sealed the decision for me! I would quote that for you but my book is in China and I am in California! So maybe, I will do that during the February 1st blog hop!
The reason LOVING KINDNESS is so important to me this year is because I find myself changing. As many of you know, I live in Beijing CHina and have for the past three and a half years. The culture here is incredibly different than where I come from. People out in public, are not considerate in the way we define considerate. People don't open the door for you, they don't insist you go first, they don't stop and wait for you as you cross the street at a crosswalk. There is very much a survival mentality or a eat or be eaten mentality. Over time I have lost my positive attitude. Add to the fact that I now have a teenager with some attitude, and three children who are all adjusting to their third school in in three years as well as the fact that one must constantly fight or assert oneself to get quality or be ripped off, I have gradutally lost my positive attitude.
I want to reclaim that! I want to emit LOVING KINDNESS. I want to treat myself with LOVING KINDNESS. I want to treat my children (especially my teen) with LOVING KINDNESS at all times and treat my husband and marriage with LOVING KINDNESS. I think it will be an excellent pair of guiding words for me.
This will be my underlying word in 2012. I plan to be very productive in 2012. Enough said!
I just saw the Optimist's Creed posted on my friend's Facebook status yesterday and I thought it would be an excellent tool for me to live my words, LOVING KINDNESS, in 2012.
The Optimist Creed
Promise Yourself ...
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
The reason I started the blog hop was because I was afraid I would flake on the year-long class if I didn't have some accountability. The blog hop was the perfect solution and it really worked! I completed all but one assignment all thanks to the blog hop and its particpants. And the only assignment I didn't complete was for July 1st and that was because I had just received word my husband was critically ill in China! I did manage to go ahead with the blog hop, but I didn't share an assignment.
If you are a student in Ali's 2012 class at Big Picture Classes and want to join us for our blog hop on February 1st at 8 AM PST. Please send me an email (link in the right column of my blog) with FEB 1 OLW BLOG HOP in the subject line (I might miss it if you don't follow this step.) and include your email address and blog address in the body of your email message.
I also host another monthly blog hop on the 5th of every month. It is called FAMILY x 12. A small group of us support each other in taking more family photos throughout the year. We post at least one family photo every month so we don't go through the entire year with only one taken around the holidays if we are lucky. If you would like to join us, please send me an email (link in the right column of my blog) with FAMILY x 12 BLOG HOP in the subject line and your email and blog address in the body of your message. To see all our past FAMILY x 12 BLOG HOPS, click here.
Please visit my blog every Tuesday in 2012 as I will be posting my daily photos for the week as well as my completed album pages for my Project Life album from the week before. Again, this is the way I plan to hold myself accountable for my memory keeping goals. To see all my Project Life posts from 2011, click here.
Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you came. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Now, it is time to continue on with the OLW blog hop. Cheri is next on the hop. The rest of the participants are listed below. If you should get lost along the way, please come back here to find your way. I encourage you to visit every blog as they will not disappoint. I find every blog post worth the read and always come away inspired.
EDITED on Jan 3, 2012: Just found out I have a really awesome BPC give-away coming up on MY BLOG! More details coming very soon...
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com <--- You are HERE.
Cheri http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com <--- Go HERE next.
Veronica www.veronicanorris.typepad.com
Kara http://iwannabemewhenigrowup.blogspot.com/
Rebekah http://istampscrapcraft.blogspot.com/
Sharyn http://www.LaVieEnChic.com
Lynn http://www.crafty-creativity.blogspot.com
Monica http://scrapinspired.com/
Lisa http://backtoallen.com/writers_blog
Cynthia H http://paperpapereverywhere.blogspot.com
Lee http://thelinarstudio.typepad.com/embracelife/
Abbey http://athomewiththerichardsfamily.blogspot.com/
Monica B www.questtoperfectimperfection.blogspot.com
Nikki http://www.inkyart.com.au
Tere http://terecontodomicorazon.blogspot.com/
Melissa S http://blog.mshanhun.com
Nicky http://seejanebake.blogspot.com
Stephanie http://www.scrapworthylives.com/
Jenn L www.studiojenn.blogspot.com
Cindy http://seriousplay.typepad.com
Amanda http://scrappnbee.blogspot.com
Sam http://learncreatedo.wordpress.com/
Jan http://mysimplelittlelife.typepad.com
I had a brilliant idea a few weeks ago. I wanted to make my inspiration box for Stacy's class, TWELVE. which will begin this week (YAY!) but I had limited supplies available since I live in China. Yes, I can get creative, but even that can become complicated and time consuming due to transportation issues, etc. I won't bore you with the details!
Anyway, I had a stroke of genius when I realized I had enough cardboard inserts in my Project Life 12x12 page protectors to cut up and use for my inspiration file. HURRAY!
I measured out the sizes I needed, got out my craft knife & Basic Grey cutting mat and had my dividers cut in no time.
I really wanted to use this Sephora box I had lying around (no Target or other adorable organizing stores in my neighborhood) since it isn't too big and even though Stacy said not to have a lid for your box, I love it's magnetic lid!
I figure if it is cumbersome, the design of the box allows me to cut it off easily if need be.
What do you think? I love it and can't wait to cover it with cute patterned paper when I get home. I wasn't able to decorate the box before leaving China for the holidays, but it is ready for me when I return mid-January. I'll be sure to post my finished project when I am finally able to finish.
In the meantime, I will use a three ring binder with page protectors to use as my sections.
I can't wait for January 1st when TWELVE. begins.
Speaking of January 1st, I will be hosting a One Little Word blog hop that goes live at 8 AM PST. It is the first day of Ali Edward's 2012 class and over two dozen new & returning students are getting together to wrap up last year's class and reveal our words for 2012. Click here to see our One Little Word blog hops from 2012.
EDITED on Jan 3, 2012: Just found out I have a really awesome BPC give-away coming up on MY BLOG! More details coming very soon...
If you are a student in Big Picture Scrapbooking's ONE LITTLE WORD class for 2011 or 2012, both taught by Ali Edwards, join us for our monthly blog hop on January 1st, 2012.
We will share our final project from 2011 and/or reveal our WORD for 2012. ALL past students and all NEW students are welcome.
Sign-ups for the January 1st blog hop are now closed. If you would still like to join us, come back on January 1 and leave a comment on my OLW blog post with a link to your blog post that includes your final One Little Word project for 2011 and/or reveals your word for 2012. (This is only for students in Ali's 2011 or 2012 OLW class at Big Picture Classes.)
Sign-ups for our February 1st Blog Hop begin on January 1st. Email me with your email address & blog address in your message. Include "Feb 1 OLW Blog Hop in the subject line.
To see all past OLW Blog Hops in 2011, click here.
Family X 12 Blog Hop
Do you take enough photos of your family altogether throughout the year? If the answer is no and you would like to make an effort to take more, you are invited to join us for our monthly FAMILY x 12 Blog Hop on the 5th of every month. We support each other in getting at least one family photo each month. It is fun & easy. For more information and to see past blog hops, go here. Please send me an email if you want to join us on January 5th for our first blog hop of 2012. The more, the merrier!
If you are a student in Big Picture Scrapbooking's ONE LITTLE WORD class for 2011 or 2012, both taught by Ali Edwards, join us for our monthly blog hop on January 1st, 2012.
We will share our final project from 2011 and/or reveal our WORD for 2012. ALL past students and all NEW students are welcome. Send me an email (see link on right-hand sidebar) with Jan 1 OLW Blog Hop in the subject line and include your email address and blog address in the body of your message. I will send you more information later in the month.
To see all past OLW Blog Hops in 2011, click here.
Welcome to our eleventh ONE LITTLE WORD Blog Hop! Every month on the 1st, students from Ali Edwards' year-long class at Big Picture Classes have a little blog hop to share our assignments from the previous month. I'm so glad you are here. You will be inspired by all of the amazing projects.
I enjoyed this month's prompt. I did a spontaneous, free-flow writing. I read each prompt and then started writing directly on each card. My word is SERENDIPITY and I think that is a way to let SERENDIPITY go to work. Not much thinking, not much control, just accidental fortune.
I'm not in love with my art work on the pages. Individually they are fine but the styles don't match. I'm doing my best to be OK with it. I'm OK with it enough that I am not willing to do it over again to make them match! How is that? Ha!
Our next blog hop is our last blog hop for the 2011 class. We will share our final assignment as well as reveal our NEW WORD for 2012. If you plan to choose a word for 2012 and blog about it, you are welcome to join the blog hop.
If you were not in Ali's 2011 class, you may still participate, you are invited to reveal your word and tell us why you chose it. Or how it chose you. Please email me your blog address and your email address and I will send out further instructions late in December.
Anyway, off you go to the other amazing participants for THIS month's hop. The list of all participants are below in case you get lost along the way, please come back here to get back on track.
Julie Ann is next on the hop. And don't forget to visit Lisa & Cheri(last two on the list) as they were added at the last minute (an error by me) and they may not be on all the participant lists at each blog.
To see everything ONE LITTLE WORD on my blog, click here.
Thanks for stopping by. Happy blog hopping...
December 1 Blog Hop Participants
Welcome to the One Little Word monthly blog hop! For those of you that are new, One Little Word is a class at Big Picture Classes, taught by Ali Edwards. A group of us students join together on the first of every month to share our projects. My blog is the first stop. Don't forget to keep going - there's lots more inspiration to follow.
Now on to the rest of the amazing participants for more fabulous inspiration. You won't be disappointed! Next on the hop is Julie Ann. If you should get lost along the way, please come back here and you will find a list of all the participants just below.
Thanks for stopping by! See you next month, if not before.
But before you go, I hope you don't mind if I ask for your opinion, please? There is a photo contest coming up at the end of this week and I am trying to decide which photo to enter.
This is the contest description:
Community members are invited to make photographic journeys into their understanding of 'truth' in the contemporary urban context. This may manifest itself in many ways: the truth about congestion, architecture, population, pollution, wealth, poverty etc. There are no boundaries regarding subject matter as the idea of 'truth' is essentially subjective and personal.
Here are the two I am considering:
I see this photo as the truth of modern Chinese culture. We are in the back streets of a Chinese city and although the conditions are poor and the mother in the background is dressed in modest clothing working outside her home. The little girls are posing for the camera nicely dressed in their namebrand, albeit fake, clothing. Notice the Chanel zipper pull?
This second photo tells the truth about someone. We are first drawn in by the bright colors and pretty items on the surface but at second glance we notice the stains, the haphazard sticthing to repair the fabric, as we look longer, we notice more details and get a glimpse into who this person might be - the scissors, the old fashioned needle, the keys, the coin, what looks like a thumb drive on the key chain.
If you have any other thoughts that pop into your head about either photo and how they relate to the theme of truth, I'd love to hear those too.
Now back to the blog hop! Thanks for letting me steal you for a few minutes. I had to take the opportunity since I knew I would have a higher volume of visitors today. Thanks!
EDITED Nov 6, 2011: Unfortunately, the photo contest has been postponed until early February (after Chinese New Year). They didn't email until the day of the original due date. Oh well! It is just as well, though, since I was only the second entry. I really appreciate everyone's input. It was really very helpful.
And don't forget, Julie Ann is next on the blog hop!
Welcome to October's ONE LITTLE WORD Blog Hop.
For any new visitors, on the first of every month I host a blog hop for students in Ali Edwards' One Little Word class over at Big Picture Classes. Please click the links to find out more about the One Little Word concept as well as the class. If you are inspired by what you see on our blogs, it is not too late to sign up.
For Day 1 of the 31 Days of Creative Inspiration series, see the blog post below this one.
Below you will find my homework for this month. I think it is pretty easy to read, so I won't reprint the journaling.
We have a great group this month, though smaller than the past. Please visit everyone to be inspired by their awesome posts. Unfortunately Jill had some technical problems so please go directly from Nicky to Monica. Come back here to find your way since we discovered this information at the last minute.
For any students in Ali's class, feel free to send me an email if you would like to join our next blog hop on November 1.
Julie Ann is next on the hop.
My name is Margie [pronounced Mar-ghee]! For as long as I can remember, I've been making special occasions meaningful with art, creativity, and a dose of fun! From this, I created Nihao,Cupcake; a place for practical & unique ideas that will help you create and capture moments to remember forever.
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