As I posted early last month, I carved a stamp everyday in December. Loving a daily creative challenge as I do, I thought it would be really fun to continue on with something throughout 2015. Being a little daunted by doing the
for a YEAR!
I thought it might be better for me if I chose a different creative challenge each month. This way I could change up the intensity of the challenges when I needed a break yet still take on the huge challenge of doing something creative everyday.
At some point late last year, I discovered Crystal Moody who decided to draw a picture everyday in 2014. Her progress is inspiring and her drawings are endearing. There is just something admirable about observing someone with such committment and it is wonderful to see her remarkable improvement. In fact, Crystal is continuing this year by creating a painting everyday in 2015. Check out her current journey at Crystal's new blog: 2015 Year of Creative Habits.
It made me want to do something like that even more.
Now the benefit of doing the same thing everyday for a year is that you have the opportunity to get really good that one creative habit. I won't be able to do that if I choose 12 totally different challenges each month. The good news is, I can get creative with my challenges and repeat and combine if I so desire. I'm leaving everything open-ended to give myself ample room to challenge myself as well as succeed.
4/365 - My version of A Starry, Starry Night - hahaha! It may be simplistic and anything but perfect, but all of these have been so fun to paint.
Some of my ideas for the remaining eleven months:
draw everyday
write everyday
art journal everyday
carve a stamp everyday
put my stamps from #CarveDecember to use (maybe make cards, wrapping paper, stamp on fabric, art journal)
use watercolors to decorate stamps
sew everyday
learn to knit and knit everyday
handlettering everyday
printmaking everyday
scrapbooking everyday
taking a portrait everyday
memory keeping everyday
inktober in October
crafting everyday
paper crafting everyday
make origami everyday
paper cutting everyday
baking/cooking a new recipe everyday
decorating cupcakes or cakes everyday
storytelling everyday
Any other good ideas to add?
The possibilities, of course, are endless! I'm having a blast so far with "Playing with Watercolor." I'm glad I phrased it that way. It is helping me remember that I am playing and if my picture is full of errors or looks juvenile - it's OK because it's all about having fun!
Have you ever done a year long project? How about a daily month-long challenge? Did you enjoy it? What did you learn? I'd love to hear all about it in the comements.
Tomorrow I hope to be back and share what I am doing to keep track of my progress.
I will post the results of my daily challenges (just about) everyday. I hope you'll stop by often to encourage me along.
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