I had so much fun with my digital layout yesterday I decided to do another one today. The thing I love most about digital pages is that it is so easy to make the photos the focus.
This design was inspired by a children's book I was reading to my son last night for bedtime. One of the challenges at Ella Publishing for their Spring Training classes was use a print ad as inspiration in any way. This was not from an ad, but I think it is close enough!
Coming up on Saturday (UK time), I will be the guest blogger over at Lorraine's blog, The Vue from Here. Lorraine is in the market for a new camera. She is frustrated with the limitations of her point & shoot camera and wants to upgrade to a DSLR. She has enlisted the help of five DSLR users to share their experiences and knowledge to assist her in making her decision.
Today is the second day of the series, when guest poster, Jules, explains her process for selecting her DSLR. The week proves to be full of great information. Head over to The Vue from Here all this week for some fantastic information on DSLRs and great photography conversation. We are all taking questions, so head on over and ask away. And feel free to contribute your own expertise to the conversation!
The layout looks great, cool take on the challenge. Love the lunch menu shot!
Posted by: scrapchick | May 03, 2011 at 11:01
Thanks you!
Posted by: Nihao, Cupcake! by Margie | May 04, 2011 at 07:58
They are pics Margi, how fab that you can document your son's day at school! :)
Posted by: Rachel B | May 04, 2011 at 13:53
Yes, the school encourages parents to shadow them for a day. I love that about the school. I think it might be a Montessori thing. There are a lot of Montessori schools here in Beijing.
Posted by: Nihao, Cupcake! by Margie | May 04, 2011 at 19:53