This layout is inspired heavily by the 4x6 Love class at Please click on the button in my side bar for more information.
The 4x6 light blue rectangle opens to reveal a forth 4x6 photo.
And inside is a quote from Nicholas and the photo that went with the story. I blogged about that a few months ago in February to save the story so I could put it on a future scrapbook page and here it is!
To see everything related to LOAD on my blog click here!
All of the mother's were invited to stay for a few minutes at drop off today. The children had a few songs prepared for us. One in English and two or three in Chinese. Then we were asked to turn our chairs around. Each child said something one by one and the mother had to guess when it was her child. I was shocked when I didn't recognize Braden's voice because he spoke in such perfect Mandarin! I thought for sure I would recognize his voice. It just shows you how easily young children not only pick up language but the accent. WOW! I wish I had that on video tape.
I was then presented with a handmade card and a beautiful rose.
Happy Mother's Day to those who celebrate in May!
I am doing a PHOTOGRAPHY GUEST POST on Saturday
Coming up on Saturday (UK time), I will be the guest blogger over at Lorraine's blog, The Vue from Here. Lorraine is in the market for a new camera. She is frustrated with the limitations of her point & shoot camera and wants to upgrade to a DSLR. She has enlisted the help of five DSLR users to share their experiences and knowledge to assist her in making her decision.
Today is the fifth day of the series, when guest poster, Valerie, tells about learning to use her DSLR.
The week is proving to be full of great information. Head over to The Vue from Here all this week for some fantastic information on DSLRs and great photography conversation. We are all taking questions, so head on over and ask away.
Don't forget to come back on Saturday to read my contribution.
How awesome that your son speaks such good mandarin, and what a nice gesture by his class! Looking forward to reading your post tomorrow Margie. Its been a fun week!
Posted by: scrappysue | May 06, 2011 at 08:39
Thanks, Sue! I really enjoyed your post. It was fun, huh?
Posted by: Nihao, Cupcake! by Margie | May 06, 2011 at 10:48
Great layout - I like the way you included the fourth photo under the flap. What a special Mother's Day event at your son's school!
Posted by: Melissa | May 06, 2011 at 11:36
Oh I love your layout Margi, it is fab..and so sweet :)
Posted by: Rachel B | May 07, 2011 at 01:21